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Organizational Climate and Climate Survey

Organizational culture and organizational climate: understand the difference between them

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According to an HR overview released in 2018, 78% of companies participating have values and a code of conduct disseminated in writing in their organizations. Furthermore, the concern with the organizational climate has become more and more frequent, aiming to reduce turnover rates, increase the productivity of professionals, and provide an environment that brings more quality of life at work.

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Organizational Climate Survey Software: check out 5 advantages of adopting it!

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According to a Gallup survey, only 13% of employees worldwide feel effectively engaged. In Brazil's case, this number is a bit higher: 27% of them are engaged or highly productive, while 12% are actively disengaged - that is, they are susceptible to spreading negativity among co-workers, which directly affects other people's performance.

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Organizational Climate: understand what its importance is

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Simply put, organizational climate is the perception of an organization's employees about the company's processes, policies, and practices. Understanding how the climate is in your company contributes significantly to retaining talent and reducing absenteeism.

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